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Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Great Debate

     Hello, I am Bill’s imaginative brain and voice. Bill has decided to take time off this week to spend time with his family. In place of his weekly blog I will be publishing the transcript of a recent debate between Bill’s inner negative and positive voices each of whom are vying to be named the Inner Voice of Choice.  The debate was held at the Imaginary Bill’s Brain Institute (IBBI) and moderated by Bill’s made up moderator Ms. Imagin Ary.
Ms. Ary: “Welcome candidates and thank you for participating in the IBBI debate. I am Ms. Imagin Ary your moderator for this debate. The rules and format of the debate were explained to each of you backstage. I have been told that Mr. Negative won the coin toss and elected to answer first”.
Ms. Ary: “Mr. Negative, please explain to our audience why you should be the Inner Voice of Choice for anyone suffering with Social Anxiety Disorder and/or Selective Mutism or for that matter why should you be the choice for anyone?”
Mr. Negative: “Thank you Ms. Ary and I would like to take this time to thank the IBBI for hosting this debate. I am always grateful when someone is willing to “Take a Chance on Me””.
Ms. Ary: “”Mamma Mia”, I can’t believe this happens every time. Mr. Negative you are confusing IBBI with ABBA (Actual Bill’s Brain Association)”

Mr. Negative: “My apologies to ABBA, IBBI and you Ms. Ary. I would like to say thank you to the IBBI for imagining me here today. On behalf of all negative inner voices everywhere I would like to correct, once and for all, the negative stereotypes surrounding the negative inner voice. People assume that because ‘negative’ is in our name that we are a bad voice. On the contrary, your negative voice is your protector. Think of us as the “superhero” of inner voices.”
“When something embarrassing happens to you, who is the first voice your brain will call upon? That would be the negative voice. That is because your brain understands that your negative voice is there to protect you. You don’t want to continue to embarrass and humiliate yourself and your negative voice understands this. We are the voice that reminds you that you are heading down the wrong path. We supply you with key words like “stupid idiot”, “jerk”, “worthless” etc. to remind you that you are heading down the wrong path. We do this because we care about you”.
“Mr. Positive over here would like you to think that our words to you are harsh and degrading. I will admit that we use tough words, just as a drill sergeant is tough on his/her troops. The drill sergeant is merely preparing the troops for potential harsh conditions ahead. We, the negative voice, are preparing you for harsh times ahead as well. It is better that you think of yourself as “worthless” than to have your peer’s think that you are. Again, your negative voice cares about you and uses tough love to protect you because you are so near and dear to us”.
Ms. Ary: Mr. Positive, your rebuttal to what Mr. Negative has just stated.
Mr. Positive: Thank you Ms. Ary, please say “Hi” to that forward thinking husband of yours, Vision, for me. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the IBBI for hosting this debate in this lovely Frontal Lobe Auditorium. My worthy but misguided opponent would like you to believe that he is the “silver lining” surrounding the dark clouds above you. He says that he is your protector, some sort of “superhero”. Let’s look at reality for a moment shall we?”
“Your negative voice is holding you locked behind virtual walls. When a parent locks a child in their home and never lets them out that is called child abuse. Your negative voice wants you to believe that locking you behind virtual walls is protecting you. Exactly how is this protection? You do not have an opportunity to grow nor to learn how to deal with your anxiety. You learn nothing of any value while ‘locked’ in your virtual room. “
“Your negative voice claims to be like a drill sergeant. A drill sergeant does help her/his troops prepare for potential troubles ahead. The soldiers are better prepared to face the potential dangers ahead because of their drill sergeant. Your negative voice is not preparing you for reality. Your negative voice is robbing you of self esteem in order to keep you ‘locked’ behind the virtual walls it has built for you. The words your negative voice uses are demeaning and degrading.”
Ms. Ary: “Mr. Positive, please explain to our audience why you should be the Inner Voice of Choice for anyone suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder and/or Selective Mutism or for that matter why should you be the choice for anyone?”
Mr. Positive: “I understand the pain and difficulties that someone with anxiety goes through on a daily basis. I am there for them to help console their pains and help them to realize that they have a bright future. I encourage them to rise up against the anxiety and defeat it, once and for all. I don’t claim that the road ahead is going to be smooth but I realize that not giving up is the road that must to be taken in order to grow and become the person they always felt was inside of them wanting and waiting to come alive. All they need to do is rid themselves of the troubles that haunt them and they can be the person they want long to be.”
“You have a bright future ahead of you but you’ll never see that future unless you believe in yourself and learn how to face your fears. Behind closed in virtual walls you can’t face those fears and learn how to conquer them. Listening to your positive voice will help you move forward and put the anxieties behind you for good. “
Ms. Ary: Mr. Negative, your rebuttal to what Mr. Positive has just stated.
Mr. Negative: “Mr. Positive wants you to think that he is your ‘Knight in shining armor’. Give me a break. When you listen to your positive voice you end up in a situation that brings on more anxiety. Your positive voice continuously convinces you to embarrass yourself over and over again. When you listen to your positive voice you are only setting yourself up for a big fall and let down. And who is there to pick up the pieces when you are at those low moments in your life? It is your negative voice to the rescue. We the negative voices are there to bring you back to reality. After all we all know that you don’t want all of that agony. Your negative voice makes sure that you don’t have to face those pains again.”
“What exactly is a bright future anyway? That is meant for people who do not have the anxiety and troubles that you have. You don’t need a bright future, just a secure one. As long as you listen to your negative voice you will always know that you are safe because we are there to protect you.”
     That concludes this debate. We hope you have enjoyed this presentation brought to you by the IBBI. Bill will return next week with more experiences to share about his trials and tribulations with SAD/SM.

Bill’s Imaginative Brain

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