Good to Know Information

If you haven't read the previous blogs you can use the Synopsis links under the PAGES section to save some time. I personally feel that reading the entire post will be more beneficial but I may be slightly biased in my opinion. I hope that by creating these synopses more people will follow this blog and recommend it to others. Thank you for your time and support.

Goals and Reviews

Through this blog I hope to accomplish three goals:

  1. If you suffer from SAD and/or SM I want you to understand that you are not alone and that there is hope for the future. I also encourage you to ask questions of me or if you feel comfortable add your own experiences.

  2. If you have never heard of nor experienced SAD or SM I want you to understand the pains of everyday living that a sufferer goes through. SAD and SM are not very well known because those who suffer do not have the ability to tell their own stories.

  3. In showing all of you the “real” me I hope to boost my self-esteem. Very few people have ever seen the “real” me and very few probably ever will. I still have SAD/SM but I now have more control over the anxiety than the anxiety has control of me. The personality you see in the words you read is the “real” me because I can write without the anxiety getting in the way. I have learned to like the "real" me and I'm excited to get a chance to show it.

What the critics are saying about Bill's blog:

"Brilliant, exciting, riveting... I couldn't have done better if I wrote this blog myself"
--- The positive voice inside Bill's head

"Have you gone MAD? This is definitely a bad idea!"
--- The negative voice inside Bill's head

"I love the blogging idea, it is theraputic and it just might help some SAD and SM sufferers. And talk about EDUCATIONAL, definitely what the public needs to bring SAD and SM out into the open"
--- Bill's actual voice

" "
--- Bill's Selective Mutism voice

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