Good to Know Information

If you haven't read the previous blogs you can use the Synopsis links under the PAGES section to save some time. I personally feel that reading the entire post will be more beneficial but I may be slightly biased in my opinion. I hope that by creating these synopses more people will follow this blog and recommend it to others. Thank you for your time and support.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm Baaaaaack!

     Sorry for the extended absence.  I hope many of you will return to read and recommend this blog to others.  Due to a variety of reasons, blogging during these past 7 weeks hasn't worked well with my schedule.  But the show must go on and I will not abandon the mission I set out to accomplish.
We are pleased to interrupt this blog with some important news from UNIV (United Negative Internal Voices).  It has come to the attention of the "fine" voices at UNIV that this so called blog is nothing but a hoax.  We at UNIV have been investigating this Bill guy for quite some time and have concluded that he has no clue what he is talking about.  He is "an anarchist agitator spreading false propaganda in an attempt to lead the public into false beliefs about your internal negative voice as well as the belief that intense anxiety is not a good thing".  For your own safety and that of your loved ones, please do not read any more jibberish from this person.  Leave this site and never return!!!  You'll be pleased that you listened to the truth from your own internal negative voice and will forever remain indebted to us.